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( 1998 )  
mm/dd/yy News
12/30/98 A full description of the 8253 sound functions started here.
12/29/98 I've added some new links to my link page.
Some pages were expanded for functions of the 8253 sound generation: monitor's work area, monitor's subprogram description, and the 8253 overview. A full description of the 8253 sound functions will follow soon.
12/23/98 Some corrections around the 8253 done to correct the input frequency of counter 0 from 1.108 MHz to 1.1088 MHz: monitor subprograms, 8253 functions in MZ-700, and the schematic diagram of the 8253. Work area 8253-values of the monitor 1Z-013A changed. Information returned by reading Bit D0 of port $E008 added to the 8253 functions in MZ-700.
12/20/98 Some updates done to install a NOFRAMES-version.
12/19/98 I've added the schematic diagram for the tape data recorder MZ-1T01
12/06/98 Some pages were expanded: pending projects, questions to you and the download area.
11/29/98 The section Saving data to tape of the page "Tape data processing" is expanded and now ready. Additional all related information to the GIF of the tape format can be choosed now by a mouse click.
11/27/98 New information on the announcement page.
Information about SUC/UK added.
Errors corrected on tape data processing page.
A new page started: Questions from users to users.
11/25/98 A list of all games and programs to get by Arjan Habing added into 5 downloadable ZIP-files.
11/23/98 I've started a new page: Tape data processing
11/19/98 I got some
11/12/98 I've continued the list of things you can get from Arjan Habing
11/11/98 There are several things you can get from Arjan Habing. I started to list these things.

I've changed the "VIP's"-page

10/24/98 I've continued and changed my new page S-BASIC internals.
10/21/98 Arjan Habing could call back something into life and here you can see if it is needed by you. Please take a kindly note of his help.
10/18/98 I've started a new page: S-BASIC internals.
10/17/98 I've completed the page BASIC fundamentals.

I've changed the following pages: plotter ctrl, japanese plotter character set, and european plotter character set.
You can download 10 example games for MZ-700 from my announcement page.


A new emulator is available. Please take a kindly note of my download page.
I've made a new page: Announcements and I've expanded my VIP-page with information about Arjan Habing/Netherlands.

10/13/98 I've inserted a new page, plotter operating instructions.
10/05/98 I've started a new page, fundamentals of BASIC.
09/29/98 I've changed the outfit of my homepage. I hope you'll enjoy it. Frames were inserted and I "killed" my terrible background, I don't like yellow. All pages are on a white background now. Some days ago I changed the banner.
09/21/98 I've inserted a new page to introduce the authors of the emulators. Available information about them are pictures of them, what they do, and their jobs. Their emulators are available for download from my download page.
09/18/98 I've changed the downloadable files of my floppy interface contained in to "M12" formatted files and all updates in HTML included. 
I've changed the downloadable files of my centronics interface contained in to "M12" formatted files and all updates in HTML included. 
I've changed the downloadable screen demo file (BASIC) contained in to a "M12" formatted file. 
I've changed the downloadable plotter demo file (BASIC) contained in to a "M12" formatted file. 
I've made some tiny tests with the K-BASIC.
09/16/98 I've updated the GIF to the monitor's work area.
09/15/98 I've continued the description of the Introduction to the BASIC interpreter
09/14/98 A new page added: Introduction to the BASIC interpreter
I've changed the downloadable K-BASIC file contained in to a "M12" formatted file 
I've added the japanese plotter ASCII table.
I became a member of the 8-bit-webring
09/12/98 I've added the circuit diagram of the main storage
I've added the circuit diagram of the 8255
Some grammatical/syntax corrections for the 8253
I've expanded my page "Which projects are in the air?"
09/10/98 I've expanded and corrected the description of the interrupt logic.
09/09/98 I finished the description of the internal clock of the monitor. 
I finished the diagrams of the MZ-700's connectors.
09/08/98 The description of "The 8253 and the MZ-700" continued. 
The description of the monitor's workarea expanded.
09/07/98 Download page changed. A new version of Michael Franzen's emulator with an inbuilt debugger and an inbuilt Z80 disassembler is available now.
09/06/98 The descriptions of the commands Save, #, and F of the monitor were expanded. 
The technical datas of the MZ-700 were expanded. 
I've made this, the "What's new?"-page.
09/05/98 I've installed my guestbook.

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last updated August 3, 2002

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