the alpha syntauri system    Page No.:H212-9
        a review of the alpha syntauri system and a brief listing of softwareimages used
  at the Apple II and IIGS displaying the used sound/recording sources for search of
  diskimages and the related cards
Thankfully to Tom Arnold ( from whom i recieved the missing pictures, i was hunting for - from the alpha syntauri interface card ) , a contact i recieved from
Mark Glinsky ( a musician that also owned a alpha syntauri system and who also supported me by hunting missing pictures of the alpha syntauri system  )
i recieved the scans from an ancient magazin that contains a testing review of the alpha syntauri system:

  And while hunting for the information related to the alpha syntauri system and designing a multifuncional sound and speech card
i collected various diskimages from the internet and created a table that displays which kind off software image will request which
kind of hardware. So this table might become valuable to those who have a piece of MIDI- or Soundcard for the Apple II series
( including the software that supports the IIGS internal soundchip ) and who are searching for software that will support that hardware:

in a few weeks this list will be extended with a bunch of other software listed ....

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