The Apple 1 Slotexpansion is designed with additional
stabilisation for the -12 Volt and the + 12 Volt branch
if desired to also add external +5 Volt powersource and
stabilization. |

In fact at the slotconnector is only the unregulated
voltage for these both 12 Volt branches availiable and
the card is designed for both options:
1. using the
unregulated from the connector and putting it to a
regulation and then delive-ring it to the additional
slots as regulated voltage |

or: 2. not using the power from
the connector but instead using two plugs and inserting
there at each plug 12 Volt
AC voltage and then getting after the reticifers DC
voltage which is regulated and delivered to the
aditional slots without producing load to the mainboard
and itīs power-source.
In both cases there is enough space left to apply a
heatsink to the regulatorchips. |