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SOLO SOFTWARE MZ-8G052 ( for MZ-700 on tape )

Now available for the MZ-700, this traditional board game can now be played against the computer. Simple to follow instructions for the beginner - higher levels available for the more experienced player.

Backgammon screen shot

The original cover of the game Backgammon


You are WHITE and travel anti-clockwise from A to X.

The computer is RED and travels clockwise from X to A.

The object is, first, to move all your men into the bottom left-hand section of the board and, secondly, to remove them, before the Computer.


Two dice are thrown to dictate the moves. First, both players throw one dice and the thrower of the higher number is the first to move using the two numbers thrown 10 dictate the move.

Each move is made separately but the same man may move twice or two man may each move the number of one of the dice.

If a double is thrown, the player has FOUR moves of the number thrown.

If you cannot use all your moves, press CR to skip. The CR key is pressed to signal the end of each sequence of moves. The Computer will check for illegal moves and disallow them.

Single men ( BLOTS ), if landed on by an opponent, are removed from the board and placed on the BAR. You cannot make any further moves until your men are replaced on the board. Your men re-enter the board on points A ( = 1 ) to point F ( = 6 ). To re-enter a man on F type SPACE BAR - F.

You cannot land or enter on a point occupied by two or more opponents.


When all your men are 'home' you may start removing them from the board.

To remove a man from point X, type X - SPACE BAR.

If you throw a 6 then you may remove a man from point S. If S is empty, you are allowed to remove a man from the highest occupied point.

If you throw a 4 and point U is unoccupied but you have men on higher points ( S or T ) then you must make a move of 4 as you are not allowed to

(A) bear off a higher point than the value ot the throw
(B) bear off a lower point if a higher point is occupied.

Double throws again count double the double ( four moves or removals ).


Avoid leaving blots when bearing off if your opponent has a man on the bar because he may land on the blot and remove him when re-entering the board. This means you must stop bearing off, get your man back onto the board and travel all the way back to the bottom left before bearing off continues.


If you feel you are in a strong position, press SHIFT and together which doubles the stake. It is then up to the opponent to accept the double or resign ( which means you have won ). Having doubled, if the opponent feels things are swinging his way, he may re-double the stake against you. You must take it in turns to double.


If you bear off all your men when your opponent is still bearing off, you score 1 stake ( times any doubles ).

If the opponent has not removed any men, you score a gammon ( double game ).

Name &
Type Language
( 17 kb )
OBJ English

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last updated October 11, 2002